The Group

Since 1998, GEOS has been the reference for companies and institutions in the support and development of their projects in sensitive areas. In order to enable companies to exploit their potential regardless of the risks involved, GEOS intervenes directly or through its subsidiaries mainly in sensitive contexts or in crisis zones

Our Mission

GEOS' main mission is to enable companies to serenely exploit their potential for growth and influence without the environment endangering their personnel or their tangible or intangible assets. In the fields of Services, Technical Assistance and Security, the GEOS Group supports any company or institution by providing solutions to risk management or operational and human issues

Our ethics

Notre éthique

As a private security, industrial services and technical assistance company, the GEOS Group responsibly provides security, safety and defence services in complex environments. The GEOS Group is committed to conducting its actions based on fundamental principles that constitute its code of ethics, which are shared without reservation by all Group employees

The GEOS Group has been identified by the French authorities as well as those of the countries where it carries out its expertise and assistance activities. The GEOS Group attaches particular importance to compliance with legislation and to the transparency of its structures and activities

Each of the group's employees fully adheres to the group's code of conduct. The group ensures that it is respected without concession.

L’index égalité Femmes Hommes à jour en 2024 est de 86/100. Conformément à nos valeurs, un nouvel accord sur l’égalité professionnelle a été signé avec toutes les organisations syndicales représentatives au sein de GEOS en début d’année 2021.

Alert procedure

GEOS Group undertakes to respect the texts of the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Man of 1948, from the Rio and Johannesburg Conferences on the Environment. The Group also pays particular attention to compliance with the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Companies (ICoC). This is why the GEOS Group ensures that all those who act on its behalf comply with these texts and the principles they defend.


To this end, the ADIT Group, to which GEOS belongs, has set up an internal whistleblowing procedure enabling all employees of the Group's various entities to report any violation of the legal and regulatory standards in force, as well as the internal rules established by GEOS and the ADIT Group (specified in the ethics charters of the two entities).


The following e-mail address has been set up to facilitate reporting within the Group:


This procedure complements the traditional reporting channels already in place (reporting by line management and assignment managers).”

Alert procedure

Our presence

Notre présence mondiale

Our team



Christophe DANTOINE

Directeur Général

Jean-Christophe GRIVAUX

Vice Président Opérations


Vice Président Industry Services


Directeur des Ressources Humaines Groupe


Directeur Administratif et Financier Groupe


Vice-Présidente Gestion des Risques


Vice Président Développement Energie


Vice Président Sureté Diplomatique


Managing Director GEOS GERMANY